Cigar Clientelle
Lounge Experience
Cigar Cliientelle provides very impressive humidor, piping in cuban and latin music to provide a genuine experience for a traditional cigar ambiance. Clean and welcoming hobby area with a member’s only lounge. It gives a business setting with work tables and an area with comfortable leather chairs. There is also an adjoining conference room. TVs and lockers provided.
The Space
Comfortable lounge area and impressive humidor. The lounge is located in a shopping center with plenty of parking in the rear and front. Knowledgable staff to assist in selecting the right cigar.
Local members and a friendly vibe. The quiet lounge area provides a relaxing area to watch sports on the TVs or to do work.
Mon- Satuday 10 am to 10 pm
Tue 4:00 pm to Late
Wed 4:00 pm to Late
Thu 5:00 pm to Late
Fri 4:00 pm to Late
Sat 1:00 pm to Late
Sun 4:00 pm to Late