Explore Cigar Themed Art Pieces to Decorate Your Lounge. Inquiries Please contact jarvis@lightupvibes.com
The Perfect Smoke
A serene lounge setting with a cigar poised in the ashtray, complemented by rich tones and textures for the ultimate relaxation moment.
Golden Hour Elegance
A luxurious close-up of a finely crafted cigar resting gracefully in a golden ambiance, capturing the essence of refined indulgence.
Large Framed Prints: $575
Small Prints: $55
Tropical Smoke and Friendship
Two gentlemen enjoy cigars in a serene, tropical setting, evoking a warm evening of camaraderie and relaxation.
A Cigar’s Golden Rest
A cigar resting on a detailed golden surface, creating a moment of luxury and refinement in an elegant composition.
Cigar, Hat, and Conversation
A relaxed moment of leisure with a well-crafted cigar, fine company, and a classic hat, embodying timeless sophistication.
Cigar Lounge Essentials
A cozy lounge scene with a cigar resting in the ashtray, evoking a sense of peace and refined enjoyment in every detail.
The Art of the Band
A striking close-up of an ornate cigar band, capturing the craftsmanship and luxury that make each cigar an art form.